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A Journey of Love: Crossing Distances

On June 15, 2023, when she informed me that she was in Manila, I was excited, but she told me that she had promised her mom not to meet me. I was worried, I asked her location details, and immediately searched Google Maps to check if the location was safe. Although the surroundings seemed to be in a safe area, I was skeptical since Google doesn’t have access to the exact accommodation.

Since my mom had just gotten out of the hospital a few months back, I was working from home to take care of her. the next day June 16, 2023 What I did was wake up early, finish all the tasks I had at hand, and prepare all the necessary food my mom needed. Then, I suddenly asked my team, “If my love is on her way to the airport and I want to go meet her, will you cover for me at the office?” Everyone in my team said, "Go," and assured me they would manage.

Knowing that my queen loves to eat, I quickly went to Wai Ying and ordered some pork siomai and a big siopao. Then I proceeded to Great Green to buy some veggie wraps since, due to her condition, she needed to eat healthily. After that, I rode to their accommodation. It was my first and longest ride, 11.5 km. I was scared, but I was determined. I also kept it a secret from her.


When I arrived, I left the food at the reception. I asked if I could call her, but she told me she was talking to her mom, so I left. Then suddenly, she messaged me, asking if I had ordered a delivery for them. I slipped up and said I delivered it. Then she was shocked kept asking if where I was. Initially, I had already left because I didn’t want her to break her promise to her mom by seeing me. 

but later I went back too see her, We spent a short while with each other and talked for a while I told her to be strong and caustious when in Dubai and I told her that I’ll always be here just message me and then and took our first picture together for 2023. I asked her if I could meet her sister, but she said no because she wasn’t sure how her sister would react. so we kissed, hugged, and said our goodbyes.


Then she returned to her room to eat with her sister and friend while I rushed home, as it had started raining.

When I got home, she thanked me for what I did, but then scolded me because she knew the place was too far from our home. I was explaining it to her that it’s not that far so that she need not to worry too much. Then later I realized yes, it was far, but honestly, I didn’t feel tired—maybe because seeing her was more important to me than anything else.

It scares me, because of the bad reputation of people having affairs oversea and I was thinking of getting her pregnant so that she won't stay long there but in the end I put my faith and trust with her. Two years will pass soon, I do hope that everything will go well.