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Showing posts with the label My Story

The Place Where She Was My Queen: Memories of a Night, Shadows of a Dream

Roughly a month ago, one of my childhood friends called and asked me to help her with the invitations for her second son's first birthday. Initially, I didn’t want to do it because I hadn’t been myself lately since my girlfriend left me. But eventually, I accepted the request, hoping it would distract me, even if only for a moment. As I was gathering the details, I was shocked to see where the event would take place—it was the same place where we had once been crowned King and Queen of the night. It was a night I’ll never forget—a night filled with joy as almost everyone in our company cheered for her to be my Queen. For me, it felt like destiny had spoken.   But unfortunately, as of today, I can only relive that memory on my own because my girlfriend left me before her birthday and claimed to have married someone, though she wouldn't say who.  After seeing myself in this photo, I now realize why people are worried about me. Aside from getting thinner, I look stressed, and my s

A Year Without You: Honoring My Mother's Memory

Today marks the first year since my mom's passing, yet the memory remains fresh in my mind. I vividly recall waking up that morning, ready to start my chores and get to work, when I saw her. In that moment, I felt it deep inside—she had already left this world. But I tried to lie to myself, to deny the truth. However, I couldn’t escape it. I had to face reality, and as her son, it became my duty to give the woman who raised me a proper burial. During that time, I didn’t post anything because I wanted to keep it private. I also didn’t properly thank all the people who helped me get through it.  

A Glimpse from a Photograph

It's been four days since I last wrote her an email, and that's because I've been enduring sharp chest pains recently. When I get home, I feed my dog and then go straight to bed, trying to sleep. The other night, it was the harvest moon. I made a wish, and on this day I was surprise and I got a glimpse of her after almost a year, even if it was only through a photo her roommate posted. I felt mixed emotions—part of me was happy to see her smiling and still as beautiful as ever, but another part was filled with sadness, knowing she is happy with someone else, and I no longer exist in her world. Still, I thank the heavens for granting one of my wishes and giving me the opportunity to see her, even if only in a photograph.        

Transfering and closing Bank Account of a Deceased Family Member: The Struggles and Challenges

Many older people tend to save their money in time deposits or passbooks because they feel it is safer than using an ATM. However, what they might not realize is that if an emergency occurs and they pass away suddenly, the process of closing their account can become a significant struggle. This is exactly what happened to me. My mom was a strong, independent, and active woman, but the pandemic changed everything. She was forced to stay home for more than two years, and due to the sudden change in her routine, her health declined. The unexpected happened: she passed away in September 2023. Weeks after her death, I faced a dilemma because, aside from her personal savings account, my own accounts were under her name. I asked some family friends if they knew the process for transferring ownership of the accounts to my name. Most of them said it would be a long process and would cost a fortune due to taxes. Some even urged me to forge her signature and gradually withdraw the money little by

Love Through Time: Embracing Change and the Value of Restoration

Since we all live in a world where nothing is forever except change, love itself is not immune to the forces of time and transformation. Just like the seasons, love shifts and evolves. Spring brings the blooming of new emotions and the excitement of discovery. Summer warms us with the intensity of passion and joy. As autumn approaches, love matures, growing deeper with understanding, while winter, though cold, teaches us the value of endurance and patience. No season of love lasts forever, but the cycle of change is always present, and with it comes growth. In our lifetime, we encounter people who become dear to us—people we love deeply, each relationship a journey of its own. Alongside that love, we may attach significance to material things that remind us of those special connections. However, like everything else, these material things can break or become obsolete, just like phones or gadgets. But just as we work to restore what is broken, we also choose to fight for the love that

A Journey of Love: Crossing Distances

On June 15, 2023, when she informed me that she was in Manila, I was excited, but she told me that she had promised her mom not to meet me. I was worried, I asked her location details, and immediately searched Google Maps to check if the location was safe. Although the surroundings seemed to be in a safe area, I was skeptical since Google doesn’t have access to the exact accommodation. Since my mom had just gotten out of the hospital a few months back, I was working from home to take care of her. the next day June 16, 2023 What I did was wake up early, finish all the tasks I had at hand, and prepare all the necessary food my mom needed. Then, I suddenly asked my team, “If my love is on her way to the airport and I want to go meet her, will you cover for me at the office?” Everyone in my team said, "Go," and assured me they would manage. Knowing that my queen loves to eat, I quickly went to Wai Ying and ordered some pork siomai and a big siopao. Then I proceeded to Great G

Tied Together: The Shoelace and the Pink Shirt

If Cinderella has a magical shoe and in Asia there is the red string of fate, we have a magical shoelace.    It all started in 2013 when I met a girl during one of my fieldwork trips in Cagayan who caught my attention. Since I was too shy to talk to her directly, I asked for a group picture instead. When I got back to Manila, I asked her supervisor about her, only to find out she already had a boyfriend. So, although I didn’t pursue her, but from time to time, I would purposely bring her up whenever talking to her fellow supervisor in Cagayan.   I never thought we would actually meet in person again five years later when she came to Manila for our post-Christmas and Kickoff party. I took them to a nearby fast food place for dinner, showed them to their hotel, and left. But deep down, I couldn’t explain how I felt seeing her again, even more beautiful than before. A few days later, I presented our IT plans for the coming years while wearing a pink polo shirt. I didn’t r

A Story of a Promise

    Once, there was a little kid named Shadow. Before he was born into this world, his so-called father left. His so-called father was described as an unpleasing person, and because there is a saying, "Like father, like son," he was considered a disappointment to the family. So he was disliked by his family. Since no one acknowledged him at home. he often caused trouble just to be noticed at school. That's one reason why he was transferred from one school to another. He was 6 years old when he was transferred to a private school and was even enrolled in Section B, which is the second-highest section in the school, by his parents, hoping that he would be more attentive at school. But still, he was a laid-back, happy-go-lucky, playful, and troublemaker kid. One afternoon when he was running around the playground like he always did, he saw Pin-Pin, a very simple yet beautiful young girl. She had long black hair and always wore a hairpin paired with a sweet smile. She always


    Change is an inherent aspect of our ever-evolving world. Nothing remains static. Throughout history, from ancient times to the present day, numerous aspects of our lives have undergone transformation, including material possessions, customs, values, beliefs, traditions, places, and even people. Within this space, I am excited to share my travels, observations, viewpoints, experiences, and stories.   Please be mindful that some of the content may not be to everyone's taste. If that's the case, I would like to offer my advance apologies. It's important to emphasize that this is a platform for personal expression and is not meant to cause offense to anyone.