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Showing posts with the label My Insight

The Broken Fangs: A Tale of Love and Change

When you love someone, you really do change for that person. I came to realize this recently after she broke up with me and ghosted me for an unknown reason. All this time, people were scared to cross me in any way because of fear. I grew up to be a revengeful person, and when someone did something bad to me, I didn’t just get even, I made them regret it tenfold. But this time, I don’t know why, I seem to have lost my edge. Now, looking back, I’ve noticed that I’ve changed a lot for one person, and here are some of those changes: I stopped attending open photoshoots in the late third quarter of 2018 because there were lots of girls there, and I didn’t want her to feel jealous, as she once told me she could easily get jealous. Even though I reassured her that she was the only one for me and that she didn’t need to worry, I still made the change for her. I didn’t let her know that I had made this change. At the beginning, I stopped using foul language when talking to her. Little did

A Glimpse from a Photograph

It's been four days since I last wrote her an email, and that's because I've been enduring sharp chest pains recently. When I get home, I feed my dog and then go straight to bed, trying to sleep. The other night, it was the harvest moon. I made a wish, and on this day I was surprise and I got a glimpse of her after almost a year, even if it was only through a photo her roommate posted. I felt mixed emotions—part of me was happy to see her smiling and still as beautiful as ever, but another part was filled with sadness, knowing she is happy with someone else, and I no longer exist in her world. Still, I thank the heavens for granting one of my wishes and giving me the opportunity to see her, even if only in a photograph.        

Finding Gratitude Within the Shadow

It deeply saddens me to lose my mom, and even more so to be replaced in the heart of the person I love most. I was left with heavy responsibilities and promises to keep, all while facing everything alone. At first, I held onto hope and gathered all my strength to push through, thinking about my future with the one I loved. But everything fell apart when she suddenly told me it was over, and that someone else had taken my place in her heart. I could understand if I had done something wrong, but the most painful part was being abandoned at my weakest, and without any proper answer as to why she came to that decision. Honestly I lost my faith, hope, and strength. I tried to stay silent and act normal, but the sorrow became too much to bear, and eventually, those around me noticed and began to worry for my well-being. Despite my loneliness, I am grateful to the people around me who have supported me, tried to cheer me up, and showed me kindness in their simple ways. I feel fortunate to

Transfering and closing Bank Account of a Deceased Family Member: The Struggles and Challenges

Many older people tend to save their money in time deposits or passbooks because they feel it is safer than using an ATM. However, what they might not realize is that if an emergency occurs and they pass away suddenly, the process of closing their account can become a significant struggle. This is exactly what happened to me. My mom was a strong, independent, and active woman, but the pandemic changed everything. She was forced to stay home for more than two years, and due to the sudden change in her routine, her health declined. The unexpected happened: she passed away in September 2023. Weeks after her death, I faced a dilemma because, aside from her personal savings account, my own accounts were under her name. I asked some family friends if they knew the process for transferring ownership of the accounts to my name. Most of them said it would be a long process and would cost a fortune due to taxes. Some even urged me to forge her signature and gradually withdraw the money little by

What did we learn from the past?

    What did we learn from the past? The past is meant to be the place that shapes and paves the way for the future. In ancient times, there were no houses, and people lived in caves or under giant trees. Then, they began constructing dwellings from mud, wood, rocks, and leaves. Nowadays, we build houses using cement and metals. In the past, there was no means to light our homes when night fell, so candles were created for this purpose. Over time, light bulbs were invented. As time progressed, more tools, machines, and equipment were developed. During those days, many people were undoubtedly amazed by their creations and happily shared their innovations with one another. However, at a certain point, some individuals became possessive and greedy, desiring to keep these innovations for themselves. This led to conflicts where people fought to retain their possessions or acquire them. This cycle seemed never-ending. There came a time when everyone was primarily focused o

Games of the 90's

I was a kid born late 1980's and in the early 1990's it was my developing years . where in I went to School meet new people and make friends, learn to speak, read and many other things and the most Exciting part of them all was Playing. here are the Games that I used to play with my classmate LUKSONG BAKA